This product should be selected when we have advised that the output board (not the complete unit) has proved to be un-serviceable.
Very often the Audio Output board can ‘short out’ causing the board to burn – a repair would not be safe to attempt (or even possible to attempt) due to the that high probability the unit may catch fire.
You will know if the board is non serviceable if ;
- there is a smell of burning from the amplifier
- smoke is seen in the boot
- burns on the circuit board such as those pictured below
- Unrepairable damage to board – replacement board required
Replacing this item alone will not repair the amplifier – we will require both boards (complete unit) to be sent to us to complete repair.
This MUST be added to standard repair charge – so total cost will be £380
This is a surcharge – we will NOT supply this unit on it’s own as a product.
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